Monday, February 23, 2009

From Chronos to Kairos

It must be some kind of record for nonblog that I have now set (7 months and no entries whatsoever to this blog) by my lazy and complete lack of posting (call Guinness! - oops on spelling? - the record book people not Dublin). Furthermore, it is obvious to the internet, my friends and family, and anyone paying attention that I am in no way capable of keeping up with the prolific blogging of my beautiful 1 yr old daughter Sadie Joy (, but yet I am here to proclaim digitally my thoughts to the world. First, these past few months have been an amazing time in my life as my daughter and my marriage grow daily. Second, I am still in pursuit of the bear, turkeys and bucks who have so far been lucky in eluding the flight of my arrow (thanks uncle Ted). Last, but not least - or perhaps most importantly, the reach of my mind and my heart is extending. So lost without synchronicity in the Chronos I am finding that all things are as they should be in Kairos. Still, the cry of Mark 1:15 calls to the listener, who believes, to make something of this life and its moments. So watch out world for you are my parish and I am prayerfully ingetsting the scriptures and letting go of unnecessary things like cafffine, the brown food group (all things fried, yes even french fries), pride/frustration/anger and TV. Toms better watch out too because I am on to you gobblers, April is coming, and I am already getting hungry for Turkey.